Thursday, January 03, 2008

Black and Blue Swordfish

I picked this up awhile back when I was in Denver. It's a Blackened Swordfish with a Blue Cheese Butter Sauce. I prepared tonight's with Blackened Garlic Green Beans and Quinoa (Although typically I serve with garlic mashed potatoes). I've tried to recreate it a number of different ways. Tonight's attempt is probably the best so far. So, I decided to start my food blog with this recipe.

Black and Blue Swordfish
2 7oz Swordfish steaks
3 tbs Salted Butter
3 tbs Blue Cheese
4 tsp Blackening Rub or Cajun Spice
Olive Oil

First I marinated the Swordfish in Olive Oil. I went with 45 minutes, but I hear overnight is the best to keep it from drying out.

Second, I pulled the Swordfish out and gave it a nice light rub with Black Voodoo seasoning.

Next I fired up my magic grill (Holland propane).

While the grill heats it's time to sear the fish. Heat up 2 tsp Olive Oil in a pan on Medium heat. Once it starts smoking, place the swordfish in. Give it 1-2 minutes on each side to give it that blackened look, taste, and texture.

After that, I take it out to the grill, which is sitting around 375 and throw it on for between 5-10 minutes.

While on the grill (or whenever, it's a quick step), melt the Butter and Blue Cheese. I usually toss it in the microwave for about 1 minute. After it is good and melted, give it a quick whisk to blend it together.

Finally, take the Swordfish off the grill, and cover it with the Blue Cheese Butter Sauce .

I hope you enjoy, I did!


Anonymous said...

Mmm, Voodoo Blackened Rub. Acquired no where other than St. John, US Virgin Islands.

Sounds tasty.

twright said...

You are quite popular!

You are the 4th link on a Google Search for "Black and Blue Swordfish".

Nice looking dish!

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