Monday, January 07, 2008

"It's Shake and Bake, and I helped!"

Some of the best dinners are the ones that you make up out of random things you have hanging around the kitchen. Tonight we had orange roughy that we took out to defrost last night. We couldn't decide what to do with it. We almost settled on the old stand by butter lemon pepper sauce, which is always tasty,but then Mike said it it was too bad we don't have any breading to fry it up in. That is when I spotted the shake and bake box in the spice cabinet. It was the Italian season flavor. It sounds a bit odd and even a little ghetto maybe, but it worked.
Mike used melted butter instead of water to moisten the fish and followed the instructions on the box. He cooked it on the grill for about ten minutes instead of baking it in the oven. "It's Shake and Bake and I helped!" Okay not really. I did make the vegetables though.
Mike is still mad he has not seen that commercial yet!
I cooked some fresh green beans and broccoli with a little,who am I kidding a lot....almost a 1/2 stick of butter :) and minced garlic. I also made a hot sauce butter concoction using Krystal Louisiana hot sauce and about 3 more tablespoons of butter. When I worked at Ombi , the chef Laura made the tastiest spicy beurre blanc with this stuff. This is her favorite hot sauce she discovered while living in New Orleans. When I saw it in the grocery store I had to get some!
My concoction was no way near as rich and decadent as Laura's but it was a great addition to our faux fried fish. Unfortunately we scarfed it all up before taking a picture of it!
There will be more pictures soon! Tomorrow we will be having pork tenderlion! Yum! :)


Mike said...

Mmmm, just finished the leftovers, soo good.

Mike said...

Just some notes. I used 2 tbs butter and 1 tsp lemon juice to rub them before breading. I used the leftovers (about half) to sprinkle on after cooking.